Lucio Martus Alonso

Creative Producer 

+44 (0) 7494 150 110
Based in London, UK & Madrid, Spain

CommissionEditorial & Print

HEROINE Issue 20 - NEW
Shot by Gosia Turczyńska

For the latest Issue of HEROINE I produced one of the stories “The Witcher”, shot and concieved by Gosia Turczyńska (Photographer) and Keeley Dawson (Stylist). 


Photography Gosia Turczyńska
Fashion Keeley J Dawson
Production Lucio Martus
Model Cosima Vonmoreau 
    at @ Milk Model Management
Hair Mai
Makeup Megumi Matsuno
Set Design Paulina Piipponen
Casting Ernest
Photography Assistant Joanna Wierzbicka
Fashion Assistant Jolene Chen
Set Design Assistant Cecilia Dumont
Retouch Daniel Dziubiński

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